Designing Better Libraries

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Citation Pearl Growing Search on ERIC

I am writing an Issues Analysis paper for another class I am currently enrolled in. I decided to use this opportunity to apply the Citation Pearl Growing strategy to help me find articles for my paper. I started my search by using the keywords: protecting children AND intellectual freedom. I received only one hit. The hit I retrieved was exactly the kind of article I was needing to write my paper on the debate surrounding the Children's Internet Protection Act and intellectual freedom. I chose to click on the "related items" link provided with the article, "Internet Safety or the Four Fs--Fouled in a Feud between Filtering and Free Speech" because I wanted more articles like it. By clicking the related items link I received 611,945 hits. I then applied the full-text only limiter and narrowed the hits down to 271,919hits. Next, I went under advanced search, and limited my search even further to journal articles in full-text published from 2008. That search strategy retrieved 16,631 hits.
The Citation Pearl Growing Strategy was a wonderful way to retrieve sources. It takes time in the beginning, like any search stratgey, to find hits that are pertinent to your topic. But once you find just one hit, you have access to more hits just like it by applying the "related items" link in the database. This has been the most helpful strategy so far.

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